The X3 Expo is one of the newest and most exciting adult only shows around and is both fan friendly and loads of fun

Every year the AVN Show in Las Vegas serves as one of the primo adult shows around. All of the adult models that you see online and in your favorite movies end up making the trek out there. The show is larger than life and is almost too big. Last show I was at I actually got lost in one of the halls. I’ve never had that happen before, but I will say that it was one of the funnest places to get lost at. But, you know, something happened in LA not too long ago. I don’t know how it happened and I don’t know where it came from but in LA there is a show that appeared out of nowhere and is just as awesome. In fact, dare I say, I think it may be even more fun. Yeah, that may sound like blasphemy considering AVN is one of the biggest shows around but hot damn the X3 Expo in LA was as exciting as it was a suprise.
I had never heard of this show until I saw an ad for it somewhere. So, I decided to make it out there not knowing much about what it was. I bought my ticket and went with a friend of mine, both of us excited for what we would see. It was raining that day so while we were excited for the show given the messed up weather. The surprises started the moment we got to the show. The entire show is not spread out over several halls and rooms like the AVN show and instead takes place in one giant hall/auditorium (the Hollwood Palladium). Hence why I never got lost at this show as I did at the former. From the moment we walked in we were surprised by what we found. The commotion and excitement was pulsing through the building with music blaring everywhere and models and artists at every corner. It was incredible.
I didn’t know what to expect but going to this show really was an enjoyable time. The layout was a surprise compared to any other events I have been to with the whole inside of the Palladium (including the balcony area) being turned into a platform to meet the fans. The setup was definitely intimate and it was easy for people to come across their favorite stars and artists. So, for the fans and attendees they wouldn’t have to travel far or even move too out of the way to see who they wanted to see. Although it did get pretty crowded and getting photos was pretty tough sometimes. But, considering how convenient it was to move around I could definitely live with it.
So, if you are a fan of adult shows and want to meet some of your favorite models then this is the show for you. Everything, and I mean everything is packed into that building and as the day plays out the models rotate in between booths and at different times. And it is pretty surprising actually. The amount of heavy hitters that show up to this show is amazing. I got to meet (and photograph) some models that I had never met before. And some that make very few appearances. So, it’s a very cool experience and I recommend it to fans that want to check out AVN but want a more intimate experience. Heck, it’s not every day you get to see models such as Angela White and CeeLo Green at the same show. Check out some of the sites from the show down below. There were so many people that we enjoyed meeting that we are hoping we can make it to the next one and beyond.
Definitely recommended!

Words and photos by Daniel Navarrete
This article was prepared or accomplished by Daniel Navarrete in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Spektrum Magazine, or its affiliates
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