
Home Submissions



Spektrum Magazine is always on the lookout for models to be features in, and to be a part of our promotional team. There are beautiful models the world over, and Spektrum Magazine aims to brings an intimate view and interviews of the special women that grace the pages of Spektrum. Check
out Spektrum for an in-depth look at the models that we find special and that readers find will enjoy learning about. 

If you would like to be a featured in or be a part of the Spektrum Magazine promotional team, feel free to message us at: or

Please include:

Date of Birth:_____________________________________________________
Contact info (webpage, email, phone number, etc…):______________________                                                       City and State :____________________________________________________
Picture(s) of yourself: ______________________________________________
Additional Info:____________________________________________________

Photo Requirements for Webpage or modeling submissions:

Images submitted to Spektrum Magazine
and its affiliated sites (i.e. facebook, Instagram, etc…) become property of Spektrum and its associates.
Spektrum Magazine reserves the right to use or waive the photos’ use. For any additional info or questions
regarding this, feel free to contact us at the email addresses above.

Requirements for photos:
-Hi Resolution 300DPI photo size 81/2 x 11 minimum
-No watermarks or logos
-At least 8-10 photos
-Names of everyone involved for each photo (mua, model and etc)

-Spektrum Magazine